The last few days I have been laying low with a head cold. Actually, I have hardly left the house at all in three days other than I wandered outside once and my eyes had a difficult time adjusting to the bright sunshine.
So, because I’ve been bed-ridden for much of the time, I have spent some time writing and Facebooking. Someone I have known since he was in primary school, but who is traveling right now, messaged me. He needed some information about a trustworthy place to do a San Pedro ceremony. “Ah, I have the perfect person, Joey Greenstone,” I told him. “I’ll adjust my Facebook settings so you can see my friends list. He’s on there.”
The funny thing is that while I was trying to correct the setting, I inadvertently came across the setting that shows which devices are connected to your account, the city they are presently located and what time they logged in last. Well, my iPhone and tablet that disappeared from the Isla del Sol were still connected AND someone had logged in that morning. So, it seems that the person who has my device has decided to keep my Facebook account, so they can keep track of me and possibly collect private information…banking maybe? Creeper.
It really baffles my mind that some people do this to people who have never done anything to them, but there are bad people out there that have nothing better to do than prey on others.