As much as I like the feeling of security, I feel trapped here inside this large gated yard in Viacha, Bolivia. Yesterday, I didn’t leave the yard, and aside from getting out the day before into some of the surrounding communities, I hadn’t left the yard in about three days prior. That was mostly to do with being sick though.
Now, I’m feeling the itch to move on and see some other parts of Bolivia and Peru before I fly home mid-December from Lima, but I need to show Maxima how to update the new blog and how to use Flickr galleries for embedding photos into blog posts.
Willy was here briefly this morning, so I told him what I needed. He gave me Maxima’s phone number, but I haven’t been able to get the house phone working and now Willy is gone. Nobody is here exept me and the dogs and we’re locked inside an iron gate. Hmmm…I don’t like this feeling. I feel like a caged bird that can’t fly. I could climb the fence I suppose, but the top of it is iron spikes and I would hate to be impaled.
I think maybe I’ll leave in the next day or two. If I can stay in a hostel in La Paz, I will feel freer to make the plans I want to before I go. That should give me the time to show them how to work the blog, that is if I can round them up to stay in one place for any length of time. I can always be tech support from afar too, so I don’t really need to be here in Viacha. Furthermore, I can also write from afar. It should work out.
Hopefully, I can make some progress with them today.