Pepe the Parrot

by Tania

Pepe, the parrot, owns this place, although he has more tolerance for females than for males. You get a free pass to the patio if you are of the more feminine variety of human. If not, well, you need to work for your pass which means dodging out of the way when he comes charging.


Often he’ll stand guard at the steps while perched on his chair or the hammock. 


No matter what, Pepe’s always got an eye open for trespassers, so it’s best that you keep an eye open for him too, that is, if you are a guy.



Sometimes he’ll go for a wander and end up in a tree. Quick guys! Make a break for the patio!


He’s got two pals here at the lodge, Maruka the spider monkey and, we’ll call him Tom, the very docile and patient tomcat.


Learn all about Maruka, the naughty spider monkey, here and see how Tom puts up with her antics.

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