Home Camino 28 – Fever

28 – Fever

by Tania

I’m lying in bed, fresh out of the most enjoyable, hot bath I think I have EVER had! I must have soaked in there for over an hour – my fingers are like raisins and I started to doze off. I haven’t felt this clean in a while and no, this is not an albergue, but a pension in Triacastela.

It was a really hard day for me even though it was a shorter day at 21.5 kilometers with relatively easy terrain and no crazy elevation gains – just one long descent.


When I posted the last two days-worth of updates this morning, I was sitting in a bar having breakfast. The albergue I stayed in last night didn’t have WIFI. As I sat having a café con leche and some toast, I began to feel off – nauseated actually and my skin felt feverish and sore to the touch. The more I walked the worse I felt and, honestly, I wasn’t sure I was going to make my destination today.

The thought of falling behind my latest group of Camino friends made me sad. I was afraid to lose them, like I lost Andrew and some others along the way. It’s the nature of the Camino though. It seems to mimic life and just like we lose people in life, we lose them along the way too.


Today’s walk was very teary. If an organ played me a theme song it would definitely contain mostly minor scales – sad, depressing notes. Other pilgrim’s took notice and tried to help. One of the Aussie’s I ate dinner with last night worried about me as I broke into tears and offered to carry my pack or arrange a taxi. There was no way I would allow it. The deal is I have to walk on my own two feet carrying my own pack. I’m very strict on that and if I stray from that deal, I am my only judge.

Another woman gave me some Ibuprofen for my fever symptoms and another gave me some homeopathic meds. There are such nice people out here all willing to help.


It took all I had to get here today. The whole way, all I could think of is that I was definitely getting a hotel room tonight.



When I finally got here, I went straight to the first pension. The two Spanish women at the counter who signed me in were funny. The older one was trying to say my last name, “Veitch”, but I guess in Spanish the V sounds like a B. I, and the younger girl who knew a little English, were trying to demonstrate how the V is supposed to sound, Vvvvvvv. For a while my last name was sounding more like “Beetch” than “Veitch”.

The younger girl carried my pack and poles up three cases of stairs to the top floor where my room was located. I was ecstatic to see that there was a long, deep bath tub. The bath tub alone made spending 22 euro worth it. I have eaten an orange now and my tummy feels more settled although I still feel feverish.

Now, I’m going to go to bed. It’s early, only 5:54pm – Yikes! Close to repeating 5’s – but I need the sleep. I will likely only walk the 18.7 kilometer stage noted in the guidebook tomorrow unless I feel a whole lot better. I sure hope I do!

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