Home Camino Mission Suspended

Mission Suspended

by Tania

Yes, I am suspending my mission along the Camino del Norte. That is, my mission to blog using my tablet. The reason for the delay in posting is due to a number of technical problems I have encountered.

Wifi has been very slow and it continuously scans, so anything I do, any button I press, takes forever to respond. The revolving circle, while I wait, puts me into a mindless trance. It’s like a dog chasing its tail. Photos take too long to load to Flickr, any Facebook album I try to upload shows up blurry on my tablet, but not on my phone. Sometimes wifi has been non existent and I need to wait another day to find it again so I can continue where I left off.

My tablet is another problem. It can’t do everything that a computer can do. I have really struggled blogging with it to the point that I’ve gnawed on my knuckles and pulled my hair, but it hurt and I had to stop.

Luckily my parents are on standby to help with all of the technical difficulties like uploading the featured images for these last two blog posts to the WordPress media library, resizing two images for my slider, which I can’t seem to update from my tablet anyways, and sharing photo albums from my personal Facebook page to the mymeseta Facebook page. Not all of the options to do these things exist on a tablet.

This all reminds me of why I bought an old laptop while I was blogging in South America, but if I did that here, I would have to carry it 825 kilometers up and down mountains. That is not going to happen.

Because of the technical difficulties, and accommodation issues coming into San Sebastian on Saturday, it is now Monday and I haven’t walked any further along on the Camino. I don’t actually feel like I’m even having a Camino to be honest. I feel like I have brought my work here, that I have blinders on and can’t see anything else. I’m not going to be able to show anyone an accurate picture of what the Camino del Norte is like if I don’t let go of these problems.

Maybe the Camino is showing me something here and I need to listen. I’m not taking care of myself because I’m fighting my tablet’s limitations, dealing with slow wifi, my old phone which won’t turn off anymore and even my camera with it’s sticky retractable lens cover. As a result, I am not taking the time to relax, meet people, eat properly or sleep enough. Changes need to happen now.

The blog will continue in the future, when and where technology is more cooperative, however I will continue to post updates, photos, videos and my thoughts on the mymeseta Facebook page. It’s much easier to do.

If you would like to follow, click on the sidebar Facebook link.

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Mur May 9, 2016 - 7:02 am

It will be ok. Maybe everything will be different in a few weeks eh? Just have the best time. Winky face adventure.

Tania May 9, 2016 - 11:56 am

Thanks Mur. Not sure if I want the winky face adventure though. Lol! ?

Heather May 9, 2016 - 9:00 am

Looking forward to reading your blog in the future. In the meantime have a fabulous journey!

Tania May 9, 2016 - 11:55 am

Thanks so much Heather! 🙂

Angela Hemming May 9, 2016 - 9:20 am

I’m glad to hear this, Tania. You’re doing the camino for YOURSELF, not for others, right? I didn’t blog during my first camino and I even stopped journalling (for the first time in around 40 years) because I realized that it was taking me away from the present moment. I was so busy documenting life that I wasn’t LIVING it. Sporadic wifi was enough to upload a few photos and stories to Facebook, and that was plenty to keep my friends and family up to speed on where I was and what I was doing. I liked to think of it as micro-blogging.

Enjoy, live, experience, and buen camino! Can’t wait to hear all about it when I see you in Grañon!

Tania May 9, 2016 - 11:54 am

Thank you Angela. So far it’s been a mentally tough journey. Also, different than the French Way in many ways that I miss. Looking forward to brighter days ahead.

Angela Hemming May 9, 2016 - 11:57 am

Are there any English speakers out there? I heard it’s mostly French and Germans on this route.

Tania May 9, 2016 - 12:29 pm

There are a few, but not many. Most are French. You really need to know some Spanish on this route too. Not a lot of English is spoken. It’s great for practicing. I will learn more out here.

Pete May 9, 2016 - 7:24 pm

Experience now. Blog later. Sounds like a good plan.

Tania May 10, 2016 - 1:04 am

Thanks Pete. I appreciate the support. Someone had commented about another person walking and blogging each day. I’m sure she must have a laptop though. Tablets are not the right device to blog on I’ve learned.


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