Home Camino Never Let Anyone Crush Your Orchid

Never Let Anyone Crush Your Orchid

by Tania

There is a short story, but great meaning behind this orchid.

After walking my first Camino three years ago, I visited a doctor at a walk-in clinic. I was losing a lot of hair. My diet had been lacking sufficient protein during the past year, plus I had been going through a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs the previous months following a hard break-up. To top it off, my body had just endured an 800 kilometer walk across Spain in 31 days. It’s no surprise that I lost a lot of weight and a lot of hair. One’s body is bound to react after all of that!


I chatted with the doctor about my journey and explained the huge transformation I was going through. He listened attentively and talked with me for a little while. He was fascinated by the journey and the positive self-realizations I had gained.

One thing he said to me, that I have never forgotten, is “never let anyone crush your orchid”. The analogy spoke volumes to me about perseverance and following my truth no matter what anyone thinks. It’s my life to live and there are many ways to live a life.

I left that doctor’s office with more than just a lab requisition for blood work. I left with an additional prescription of good advice.  I felt understood and motivated to keep stepping in the direction I was going; in my direction. This orchid was vibrantly blooming and nobody was going to change that. Nobody would crush my orchid.

That was the first time I had ever heard that saying. I have never found the quote online either, but the doctor’s words have always stuck in my head along with the meaning I took from them.

I told Mom about my encounter with the doctor the next time I visited my parents. She was moved by his words too, so she took me to a florist shop and bought me a beautiful white orchid in a lime-green ceramic pot. It has thrived ever since and bloomed often. Life has been good.

The orchid has moved around with me over the years and during my travels it has lived at my parent’s place. Currently, it is blooming on the top of my tiny dresser inside my bedroom here in Cadboro Bay.

My little bedroom on the bay

Each time I see its large white vibrant flowers I think of the doctor’s words, “never let anyone crush your orchid” and I am reminded that I’m right where I need to be.

So as I admire the orchid tonight, I think of the two people whose compassion made more of a difference in my life than they know, the doctor and my mother. Thank you from the depths of my heart to the both of you.

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Erik November 10, 2016 - 10:36 pm

Great message. Interesting life. Beautiful orchid

Tania November 10, 2016 - 10:58 pm

Thank you Erik! It’s amazing to me, looking at this orchid tonight, how powerful those kind gestures were. The time the doctor took to listen, the words he offered me and the gift of the orchid from my mother were like pebbles being tossed into a glassy lake. The ripples are the effects of their kindness except these ones will never fade 🙂

Mur November 11, 2016 - 4:31 pm

I have been meaning to refer you to this for a while….

You wonder why it chose you…

“In the symbolic language of the Tarot, the lily also holds symbolism of purity, innocence and fertility. Additionally, the lily symbolizes vulnerability, and the freedom to be ourselves, as well as allowing others to be as they are too. The lily is a symbolic flower of health and provision. In a reading, the lily can signal growth, development, and a quality of innocence in our lives. Depending on the surrounding cards, the lily may also indicate new relationships and births.”

Tania November 11, 2016 - 4:42 pm

Thanks Mur, except lilies and orchids are different flowers. I like the symbolism of the lily though. It makes some sense.

If anyone is wondering what Mur is referring to, read my post called “The Spirit of Gabriola” about our quest to find my spirit totem.

Mur November 11, 2016 - 5:33 pm

Ya i know…but i thought it’s your flower right? It keeps pushing that direction. Thats all.

Tania November 11, 2016 - 5:47 pm

You’re awesome Murray 🙂


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