
by Tania

I realized this morning that I haven’t been writing my daily journals like I planned to when I wrote the post titled, “Tough Moments Inspire Change”. The journals are meant to be casual writing, so emphasis won’t be placed so much on being creative with words, but more so about getting my daily stuff out. So here we go…

This morning I woke up with vertigo again. Yikes! Luckily it didn’t last. I realized what was happening when I turned my head to the left while laying on my back and my head started spinning. Immediately, I rolled over on my right side to stop it. I sure hope this isn’t going to be a morning pattern this whole trip.

Originally, I thought the vertigo was to do with dehydration since at 11,200 feet you lose way more moisture from your body than you do at sea level. The first time this happened I bought some electrolytes and drank so much water that I had to make a visit to the washroom every 20 minutes. It didn’t seem to help.

After a phone conversation with mom, I found out that dad has experienced the same problem and was told to do the Epley’s Maneuver, a series of movements that knock the particles back into place inside you inner ear. It did the trick after a day and it’s been a while since it’s happened until this morning. It was short-lived though and now that I’m sitting up in bed I’m fine again. Thank God because I have a lot of work to do today.

My plan is to hunker down and get a website done for Grant, another resident here at Healing House. We made an exchange. He is giving me a small travel sized laptop in exchange for a website. Perfect, because I discovered, when I arrived in South America, that my tablet doesn’t do everything I want it to. For example, it doesn’t display the code from my Flickr gallery images, so I am not able to embed images into my posts. Strange. It was a pain in the ass to have to borrow another traveler’s laptop to do it. Now I don’t have to. Yippee!! It’s a good trade, however, my passion isn’t making websites. I would prefer to be experiencing things and writing about it. I’m looking forward to being done!

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1 comment

DAVID October 24, 2014 - 5:17 pm

That POSITIONAL VERTIGO. Google it. As you know I had that twice a few years ago. It was awful, but the doctor at the time reassured me that it probably not return. I think it was 3-4 years ago now.


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